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Helping You Buy and Sell
Day Nurseries

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  • Book in your day nursery valuation
  • 10 + years of experience
  • Sales progression
  • Nursery specialists
  • Tailored advice and support
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Why get a nursery valuation?

Getting an accurate valuation of your childcare business from an organisation that understands the complexities of day nurseries is vital. Combining your current occupancy with your last set of trading accounts, we can provide a valuation based on your current ‘run-rate’ and ensure you truly maximise the value of your nursery in today’s climate. 

We can attend your setting, with no obligation, using our knowledge of the nursery sector to give you what you need to sell your business. 

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Why get a nursery valuation?Why get a nursery valuation?
Specialists in day nursery brokerageSpecialists in day nursery brokerage

Specialists in day nursery brokerage

Two of our directors own and operate a small group of children’s day nurseries across the Midlands. As established business owners, they have substantial industry insight and years of experience in the early years sector and know a thing or two about day nursery management. Couple this with over four decades of combined business valuation and business brokering expertise, and our valuers can approach a valuation from a position of understanding both the day-to-day challenges of running a nursery and the competitiveness of a rapidly consolidating marketplace.


Find out more about us
First time buyers
First time buyers

New to the day nursery sector? If you’re looking to get involved in the sector for the first time we can assist you with your search for the right investment, the raising of funds and any nuances to the OFSTED registration process that may be required on your nursery acquisition journey.

Single site owners
Single site owners

Perhaps you already own a nursery and would now like to acquire a second? Utilising the experience you have gained in your first project, we can assist you with financing a second acquisition and sourcing a second opportunity within your criteria.

Multi-site owners
Multi-site owners

Are your day nursery ambitions greater than just one or two settings? If so we can bespoke a targeted acquisition campaign to source you quality settings within your target geography, occupancy preference and registration number criteria.

Internal testimonial instructions

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The first one may be useful for testimonials with a high word counts, and the second for shorter ones.

Each one has 3 slides by default, if more are required, click the block and drag the “TESTIMONIAL ITEMS” slider right to add more.

When ready, let Rawww know and we will make the populated testimonials appear live.

We tailor our services to you

The key to successful mergers and acquisitions is understanding no one opportunity or setting is ever the same. Our sales strategies are tailored to suit you and ensure you get the best outcome. With sufficient experience in buying and selling nurseries, we can guide you through the process, from knowing when to offer your childcare setting to the whole market right through to ensuring a smooth completion and a valuable net profit.  

We understand that every business owner will have their own ideal and in understanding this we can assist with negotiating a deal that should meet the goals of both parties in the short to medium term.

Contact us
We tailor our services to youWe tailor our services to you

Information, Insights and Advice

Keep up to date with our latest insights on the day nursery market, how to financially navigate the industry, our insights and more. Looking for advice on selling? Give us a call.
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Adding Value – Ofsted New School Ratings Change

Ofsted has just scrapped its controversial single-word judgements for schools in England! In this video,..

Adding Value Video Series – The Importance of Staff Contracts

In this episode of the Adding Value series, Leah teams up with Imogen Edmunds from..
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Need help?

We’re by your side every step of the way and are always here to offer personalised help. Our sales guides give you all the direction needed to buy or sell your day nursery successfully.
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Understanding NAV

Understanding NAV



Property Focus

Property Focus

What is your nursery worth?

What is your nursery worth?

Wondering what your day nursery is worth? Request a nursery valuation. 
We pride ourselves on having the most comprehensive report in the industry.
Owen Froebel
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