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Get a valuation for your nursery

The most comprehensive valuation report in the market

Whether you are looking to sell now, or planning for the future this is a valuation report with a difference. It includes a more in-depth analysis of your business and useful advice on how your valuation could be higher if you were to implement certain changes. As every setting is different, every report is different. The report offers you a snapshot of the state of your business’ health and also what price could be achieved on the marketplace at the moment. 
Why choose our valuations?

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Why choose us for your setting valuation?

Free Valuation
No obligation valuation

Our valuations are no obligation, so you can find out the value of your nursery without the pressure of signing up to our services.

Free report
Comprehensive valuation report

Our valuation reports are clear and thorough. Providing you with an in-depth breakdown of your nursery’s value. 

towards exit
Expert advice and insight 

Our valuations not only detail the current value of your nursery, we also highlight ways to increase your value, as you work towards exiting the market. 


What’s included
in the valuation report?

The report doesn’t just cover financial issues, but also looks at how value can be inreased and tries to pick up on things you can do now for an easier sale, and potential problems should you come to sell e.g. the lease, the yield, structure of the business and everything else in between.

  • Commentary on the Biggest Issues Likely to Impact Your Sale
  • Your P&L EBITDA vs Adjusted EBITDA
  • Marketing Ideas and Techniques
  • Market Analysis
  • Review and advice on Employment, Incorporation and Leases.
  • The Ease of Raising Finance on Your Practice


Get a nursery valuation

A day nursery valuation is a document that provides information to various stakeholders participating in the practice sale. For a vendor, it involves calculating the worth of the business and for the buyer, it means understanding the worth of their business assets.

It is of the utmost importance to the banks and lenders to determine whether the practice is sufficiently valuable for them to lend the requested amount of money against.

The value of your setting will be determined by the EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation) which reflects the true operating performance and profitability of the business.

To calculate the EBITDA the valuer will need figures such as annual turnover, funding information, occupancy rates, and other costs like staff, rent, and food spend. But it doesn’t just end here. We use the most up to date income and costs, so we can see truly what the setting is worth now, not what it was worth based on the last accounts.

Drop us a line on 0247 6013 929 and we can arrange for a consultant to come visit you to discuss the setting, the figures and answer any questions your have. This can take place during the day, or after hours, whichever works best for you.

Once they have all the information they need, they will have a full valuation and comprehensive report within two weeks. They will they contact you to discuss next steps and make a plan as to what you want to do next.

If you are not quite at the point of selling yet, we will review your valuation regularly as you approach it so hopefully when the time comes you end up selling for a much higher price.

Even if nothing changes in the setting itself, the changes in the market alone will make a difference. If you keep spot checking the valuation over time, it will be easier to decide when the time is right for you.


What is your nursery actually worth?

Request a nursery valuation. The most comprehensive report in the industry.
Owen Froebel
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