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Day Nurseries For Sale

Looking to buy a nursery business? At Owen Froebel, we specialise in helping people involved or interested in the day nursery sector find their next business venture. Browse through our list of nurseries for sale below and contact our team for more information.
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West Yorkshire Day Nursery For Sale

Price: £280,000

We are delighted to offer this leasehold Day Nursery and Out of School Club to market. Registered for 26 Day Nursery places, the setting has a separate access Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club for 15. There is potential to expand the Day Nursery offering, building on a wonderful local reputation, by a further 15-20 places. Established in 2017, the setting is on the market as a retirement sale. Run on a Manager Led basis there is an established team in place. Situated in a large converted office space with a large garden and car park, the property is owned by a third party landlord who will issue a new lease to the buyer. Operating 51 weeks a year the setting undertakes no marketing, relying on word of mouth referrals. The business is run as a limited company and is being sold as a share sale. The Ofsted registration is in the limited company name and has a Good rating.

Ref: 1702

For more information request a prospectus or contact us on 02476 013929

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West Midlands Day Nursery For Sale

Price: £250,000
Places: 86

We are happy to offer this leasehold setting to market. Established in 1996, the setting was purchased by the current owners in 2003. Run on a Manager Led basis the business is now on the market as part of a retirement plan. The Owners have no role in the day to day running of the nursery. The setting is registered for 86 places and has a Good Ofsted rating operating all year round. Situated in a converted pub with a large garden and car park, the property is owned by the seller who is happy to supply a long lease to the incoming buyer. Income split is approximately 59% Local Authority and 41% Private Fee Income. The setting undertakes no marketing, relying on word of mouth referrals. The business is run as a limited company and is being sold as a share sale.

Ref: 1691

For more information request a prospectus or contact us on 02476 013929

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Berkshire Leasehold Day Nursery For Sale

Price: £950,000
Places: 118

We are delighted to offer this large leasehold setting to market. Established in 1997, the setting is situated across two buildings, each with individual leases, based next to a local Academy. The setting is registered for 118 places and has a Good Ofsted rating operating all year round. One of the two owners is currently undertaking the Manager’s role working with a well established team who has capacity to step up into the role on sale. The setting has seen income rise steadily over the past few years with the expectation of returning to pre-covid levels in the next 6 months. Income split is approximately 50% Local Authority and 50% Private Fee Income. The setting undertakes no marketing, relying on word of mouth referrals. The business is run as a limited company and is being sold as a share sale.

Ref: 6899

For more information request a prospectus or contact us on 02476 013929

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Lincolnshire Day Nursery For Sale

Price: £725,000
Places: 104

We are happy to offer this leasehold setting, situated in a purpose built building in a busy rapidly growing South Lincolnshire town.

Operating 51 weeks a year, offering a day nursery, breakfast club and ASC, the setting has space for 104 children, occupying a large plot with substantial outdoor space. The property is owned by the vendor who would supply the buyer with a suitable lease. The business is operated as a limited company and is offered to market as a share sale. The Ofsted registration is in the Limited Company name and the setting has a Good status. The team is well established and suitable management is in place to allow for the vendor’s departure. Turnover has shown a steady increase year on year. Accounts are available for the period up to March 2024. The setting currently undertakes no marketing with growth achieved through word-of-mouth referrals.

Ref: 4878

For more information request a prospectus or contact us on 02476 013929

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South East London Day Nursery for Sale

Price: £850,000
Places: 78

We are happy to offer this long leasehold setting, situated in one third acre of land in an affluent area of Greater London to market.

Established in 2007 the setting is located in a purpose built property with a 100 year lease. The setting is registered for 78 children with extensive outdoor space over several separate gardens. There is an established team in place offering childcare for 52 weeks a year. The setting is Ofsted rated Good. Running as a limited company, the setting is being sold as a share sale. The setting has seen increased income year on year with an income split of 24% Local Authority Funding and 76% Private Fee Income.  Currently the setting undertakes no marketing with registrations grown through word of mouth referrals.

Ref: 2504

For more information request a prospectus or contact us on 02476 013929

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SOLD SSTC - Warwickshire Freehold Day Nursery

Price: £950,000
Places: 77

We are delighted to offer this large freehold setting to market. Established for 33 years, the setting is located in a large converted farmhouse alongside other local services. The setting is registered for 77 places with significant outdoor space and opportunity for expansion with the purchase of additional land. There is an established manager led team in place offering childcare for 51 weeks a year. Currently running at an estimated 65% occupancy, the setting has seen income rise steadily year on year with significant further growth available in the existing space. The setting has a Good rating from Ofsted and runs with an approximate income split of 39% Local Authority funding and 61% Private Fee income. Currently the setting undertakes no significant marketing, with registrations grown through word of mouth referrals.

Goodwill Value £400,000 Freehold Value £550,000 Ref: 8642

For more information request a prospectus or contact us on 02476 013929

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