We are delighted to offer this large freehold setting to market. Established for 33 years, the setting is located in a large converted farmhouse alongside other local services. The setting is registered for 77 places with significant outdoor space and opportunity for expansion with the purchase of additional land. There is an established manager led team in place offering childcare for 51 weeks a year. Currently running at an estimated 65% occupancy, the setting has seen income rise steadily year on year with significant further growth available in the existing space. The setting has a Good rating from Ofsted and runs with an approximate income split of 39% Local Authority funding and 61% Private Fee income. Currently the setting undertakes no significant marketing, with registrations grown through word of mouth referrals.
Goodwill Value £400,000 Freehold Value £550,000 Ref: 8642
For more information request a prospectus or contact us on 02476 013929
Owen Froebel is happy to offer this empty nursery to market on a leasehold basis. Located within a community building on the outskirts of an industrial area, the building is located in a busy area opposite a recently built large housing estate. A nursery registered for 52 places was opened in 2015 to serve the wider community as well as the church which resides at the same address. Ideally located in a busy area and through road out of the city, the setting proved popular. Unfortunately, the provider chose to amalgamate into another local setting in 2019 and the property has been vacant since. Local housebuilding has increased what was already a high demand for childcare in the area. The building has a private carpark for parents and staff. The setting has an intercom CCTV system which runs straight into the main entrance of the self-contained unit. There is an external play area along with a large newly built public play park across from the setting alongside a new housing development. The property is owned by the church who is looking for a childcare provider to offer nursery services to the church users and the wider community. The nursery is not expected to be affiliated with the church and there are no limitations on the catchment area for registered places. The landlord is happy to work with an incoming tenant to ensure a reasonable lease, within the landlords and tenants act and support the setting as it builds up. Ref: 1006
For more information request a prospectus or contact us on 02476 013929
We are delighted to be marketing this highly profitable, Ofsted Outstanding Term Time Pre-School based in an affluent area with an excellent local reputation. Established in 1960, the setting is returning a massive 48.27% EBITDA on a Manager Led basis and offers the potential to double square footage and extend opening hours to increase profitability further. Ofsted registration shows as 30 places, although current space allows for 34. Currently run at 30 places, the setting has an average occupancy of 76.85% with a 50/50 funding and private fees split. The leasehold property has had significant improvement works since 2017. The buyer is expected to be able to secure a new 10 year lease from the council as part of the transaction with the option to move to a year round lease if required. The property has a car park and adjoins maintained playing fields which are utilised by the setting along with the large secure south facing garden included with the lease. The business is run as a sole trader and would be sold via an asset sale. Ref: 2915
If you would like more information, request a prospectus or contact us on 02476 013929
We are very happy to offer to market this rapidly growing, spacious nursery in a North Shropshire town. The setting enjoys an excellent local reputation and an Outstanding Ofsted rating. Located in a leasehold property, owned by a commercial landlord, the nursery benefits from substantial outdoor space and easy accessibility. Established for 21 years the setting has recently expanded from 65 to 89 places and to allow for the surge in demand in the local area. The staffing is already adequate to allow for the continuing growth in occupancy and has a management team in place with the whole team being well established. Ref: 9584
If you would like more information, request a prospectus or call us on 02476 013929
A large purpose built nursery located close to the Welsh border and 35 miles from Cardiff. Situated just off the A40 with a large catchment area. Registered for 51 children the setting has a long established team and excellent local reputation. Currently running at approximately 48% occupancy the nursery offers a large scope for further growth with an already excellent EBITDA of 23.49% of gross at current levels. The property is leased and currently has 8 years of a 10 year lease remaining. The landlord is happy to reissue a new 10 year lease if required. The setting has a day rate of £60.40 per day with a predominantly fee-paying clientele equating to 69.15% of the income. Ref: 3689
For more information request a prospectus or contact us on 02476 013929
This setting has been sold subject to contract. If you would like to be notified of similar settings register as a buyer or contact us on 02476 013929