024 7601 3929

West Midlands Day Nursery for Sale

Places: 103
Price: £260,000

Based just off the M6 within a busy town centre, this setting is registered for 103 places and occupies a large building with lots of under utilised space.
The business is on the market at £260,000 and is being sold alongside the freehold with an estimated value of £590,000. The freehold includes the setting premises and two three bedroom apartments.
Operating year round, the setting is fully staffed and manager led. Running at below occupancy there is large scope for growth and demand in the local area to support this. At present there is minimal advertising beyond the use of a website. Social media is used but mainly utilised and driven to existing parents.

For more information, request the prospectus or call us on 02476 013929

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Team and Capacity
Total Revenue: £510000
EBITDA: £60000
Owner or Manager Led: manager
No of Qualified Staff: 14
Tenure: Freehold
Children on Roll: Yes
Registered Capacity: 103

The setting is based in a large town to the North West of Birmingham. Located within a converted social club, the property includes the day nursery and two 3 bedroom apartments.

For more information, request the prospectus or call us on 02476 013929

The setting has a full team and is manager led.

For more information, request the prospectus or call us on 02476 013929

The setting has a day rate of £66 per day with no additional charges.

For more information, request the prospectus or call us on 02476 013929

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Owen Froebel
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