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How much is your nursery worth?

Request a valuation

Get an accurate valuation appraisal of your business, by an organisation that understands day nurseries.
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How much is your nursery worth?

Your questions, answered

Our valuations are free of commitment and will provide the most comprehensive report in the industry.

If you are selling, an initial valuation is the best place. Once the valuation is completed, you will receive a comprehensive valuation report detailing how the valuation is worked out and the steps you can take to increase the value. Whether you are months or years away from sale, it is tailored to your specific nursery and circumstances to help you achieve the value and type of sale you want.

The process of finding a buyer really depends on the individual situation but once an offer is agreed, then on average, deals are taking four to five months. They can be done quicker but this requires all sides and stakeholders to be focused throughout, without drift.

Don’t worry, we’re going to be with you for every step of the transaction, and you won’t be left floundering. Whether you need help with the due diligence, navigating the Ofsted registration or working with your accountant to get the NAV in order, we are there with you – right up to the point you hand over the keys.

You can fly solo if you wish to; there is no obligation to use an agent to assist in the negotiations. However, you should remember that a lawyer is only appointed to manage the legal side of negotiations, not the commercial side. Those who work without an agent nearly always find they end up with a worse deal, or a considerably slower deal on poorer terms, than they would have otherwise enjoyed.

There are a few agents in the early years space but with the insight our non-executive directors bring to the table, especially having been clients of our competitors, we are confident that the quality of our service is unrivalled. Get in touch with us and we’ll explain the value of the Froebel Factor!

“I would highly recommend working with Leah”

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
I would highly recommend working with Leah. I have known her for more than 10 years and she has never been pushy or aggressive, but has always listened and answered any queries/ questions I posed with care and kindness.

I found Leah to be patient and kind throughout. Leah has a great sense of humour is always polite and punctual. Leah has always met with me at a location and time of my choice and on occasion worked late in the night to help my business progress.

Leah is very keen and enthusiastic with all the work she does and will help you achieve your goals.

– Tina, Business Owner

The key sale benchmarks

We can assist you throughout the sale of your nursery by ensuring that your have all of your ducks in row. Here are some of the key sale benchmarks that will help you get the right sale for your day nursery.
Marketing Particulars

Marketing Particulars

We prepare a set of marketing particulars to ensure you are marketed in the best and most comprehensible light for prospective purchasers.
The Marketing Process

The Marketing Process

Using our innovative CRM and marketing techniques, the whole marketing process and procedure negotiates an acceptable offer.
Heads of Terms

Heads of Terms

You’d be amazed how many deals fall at the final hurdle. We pride ourselves on negotiating a comprehensive set of Heads, setting out all of the key commercial terms before the lawyers get started.
Money Laundering Checks

Money Laundering Checks

As part of our professional obligations – and to ensure you have agreed a sale with someone with legitimate money – we will run checks on your purchaser to validate their identity.
Sales Progression

Sales Progression

We follow your sale from beginning to end. Our role is to actively chase all stakeholders to make sure the deal completes on schedule, where all parties wish it to. We will also advise you on any forms that need completing for OFSTED along the way.
We tailor our services to youWe tailor our services to you

We tailor our services to you

The key to successful mergers and acquisitions is understanding no one opportunity or setting is ever the same. Our sale strategies are tailored to fit you and ensure the outcome is maximised for both price and deals.

It’s important to know when to offer your setting to the Whole Market to ensure an expedient disposal or whether to choose a smaller, targeted approach as the market is a close-knit sector and local markets are often beneficial when selling.

Each business owner will have their own ideal and by understanding this we can assist with negotiating a deal that should meet the goals of both parties in the short to medium term. If you happen to be looking for something very specific, we know that data is power – so we use data to bespoke our search on your behalf.

Mixed that with a little tenacity and the Froebel Factor and we’ll present you with a truly tailored ‘mergers and acquisitions’ experience.

Contact us

Reasons to choose Owen Froebel

Selling your nursery is a life-changing decision and sometimes these decisions take time and also careful planning. Our main aim is to be here for you throughout that evaluation process.
Nursery specialists

Nursery specialists

Uniquely, our non-executive directors act as consultants to the business and own and operate a small group of nurseries across the West Midlands.

This gives us a great insight and understanding of the challenges that face the sector and how value can be unlocked.
Innovative techniques

Innovative techniques

Whilst we are happy to converse by telephone and love a chat, the world has moved on so we welcome requests for information by WhatsApp and Text for convenience.

We also use our bespoke CRM to know whether you are engaged or not. Ensuring that we target you with only the right businesses for sale.
Bespoke buying strategies

Bespoke buying strategies

We have worked with buyers looking for lifestyle businesses, through to private equity backed platforms looking to buy and build against the clock.

We will pragmatically discuss your goals and work to apply our search strategies to ensure we get to your desired goal as quickly as possible.
Tailored, honest advice

Tailored, honest advice

Our co-founders have been working in mergers and acquisitions for over a decade. Our approach has always recognised no one size fits all.

We tailor our valuations and comprehensive reports on an individual, unique basis so the most valuable advice, serving both parties – can be given.
Maximising your profit

Maximising your profit

We are here for the full journey. Every business owner will sell eventually, so providing solid advice on maximising profitability ensures clients come back to us when the time is right for them.

What is your nursery actually worth?

Request a nursery valuation. The most comprehensive report in the industry.
Owen Froebel
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